Sunday, September 30, 2012

This is what I look like when I am smiling my realest smile!  I was so happy to be in Grand Tetons national forest!
We're back but it'll take me a bit of time before I post about our vacation... if I ever do.  Lots to do right now.  Not sure I'm very good at this blogging thing!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Packing up!

We are just days away from finally departing for our big road trip!  Chris and A are out picking up so more camping essentials while I've been running around the house packing the clothes while also cleaning up the place... I hate leaving a messy house before vacation.

But finally I decided to just take a breather and update my blog a bit.  I wish I had time to post all the great pictures that have been taken in the past month, or even better, edit some sweet video.

Times with the baby girl have been AWESOME lately.  She is at an unbelievable, fun, crazy, fast stage.  It's hard to keep up with her, but oh so much fun.
Maybe when she is off to school in a few years I'll have the chance to get those cute videos out of her playing in dirt, playing in the rain, sliding down the slide into a big puddle of mud, playing with her baby dolls, trying to put on her own clothes, coloring, and the list goes on!

But what do you know, its time to keep moving, the rest of my family is back in the house now, and its time for dinner!  I'm not sure I will be able to blog on the road (though I do have blogger ap I could try on my iPhone) so it could be weeks till you hear from us! Or days... we really don't know how long we'll be gone! :)
My traveling companions.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Brown Bow.

See this sweet girl?
She has no idea she has a bow in her hair!

"Wooooe! What??  Did someone say bow?"

"Yup, there it is."
"That's the only one up there right?"

Look at my fun bow!

She loves hanging out with her bow, as long as its not on her head.

Sadly, this happened later.
Call me wimpy, but since this happened in a public restroom, I decided to just throw it away and
I'll get another brown bow some other day.

"It seemed like a good idea a the time."  She was really sad when I asked her not to go in after it.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Just a little bit of cuteness.

She walks into my room

sees I have my camera

and makes this face

She's not making a noise, not screaming

just making crazy faces

hears something in the other room

and walks away.

Just when I was fearing she didn't like being photographed any more,
she smiled real big for the camera!