It is so great to have a smart phone when you have a baby. You can easily surf the web while you are at pediatrician appointments, feeding, or when you can't move from your seat because she finally fell asleep in your arms and you don't want to risk moving her. FaceTime becomes a feature you actually want to use when you are calling the grandparents! And best of all, the apps. For just a dollar or two you can buy an app to replace something the baby stores are charging you out the bum for. Here are just two examples, but to stay on a budget and keep your house from baby clutter, think: Is there an app for that?
I was so happy when my sister-in-law let me borrow her itsbeen to help me monitor my feedings and diaper changes. My mother said she knew me well and doubted I would use it. Boy was she wrong... for almost one week. The hardest part about it for me was keeping up with it. Every time I sat down to feed I would try to be prepared by having my water, my cell phone, my computer, and my itzbeen. After forgetting so many times I finally looked on my iPhone for an app and sure enough there were many! So finally I got to a point where I only had my phone to track feedings and I used my phone for the internet so I only had to keep up with it and my water. I'd say that even within 3 weeks I ditched the monitoring all together. She was growing at a healthy rate and I was feeding on demand anyway so it became pretty unnecessary. Skip the $25 itsbeen and go for the $1.99 app on this one. While there are plenty great ones to choose from, the one I settled on was the Baby Feeding Log by Aron Beaver.

It's true that white noise can help soothe a baby to sleep, but should you buy a special toy to make that noise? I say only if you love it and think its cute. But if you are like me and want to reduce toy clutter you can download the TMsoft White noise app. My favorite setting is on the free version- it sounds like you are in an airplane, but without the crying baby! It puts me to sleep just as well as it puts my baby to sleep. It also has a timer on it so you are not listening to it for 8 hours at night... (as if a baby sleeps 8 hours a night).
Relax. Sleep Better. Feel Better.Talking on the phone AND needing a white noise machine? Turn on the radio to static. It works like a charm on our baby when she gets upset in the car.
The White Noise app keeps us sane. A little ocean mixed in with some soothing heartbeats? Fox can't resist.