Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Unnecessary Baby Products

Baby Shoes- Socks?  Yes socks are great, they keep baby's feet warm... but baby shoes?  If your baby can't walk, then your baby doesn't need baby shoes.  Not to mention if they wear them through a Security Check at the airport, they have to take them off and put them through the x-ray like everyone else!  Also, baby feet come in way too many sizes and none of the shoes Adelaide was given have ever fit her nor will they.

Strollers- Yeah, they can be nice to have but not necessary.  Slings and wraps are a great alternative and much cheaper.  In addition to be more cost effective, they promote healthy bonding with your baby.  But if you want one, keep in mind, the more bells and whistles it has, the more likely it is going to be difficult to fold down into your car or fit through crowds at festivals or isles in the mall.

Bottle Warmer- I have one and I like it alright,  but my husband hates messing with it.  He just runs hot water over the bottle for a few minutes till it warms up.  Much more simplistic.

Special Diaper Bag- A bag is a bag.  My husband uses his hiking day pack, I use a large purse.  I've also used a messenger bag by timbuk2.  That reminds me, messenger style bags and backpacks are much easier to tote around while holding a baby than a shoulder bag... I love my big leather purse turned diaper bag but with that exception of it being hard to keep on my shoulder... but it is fashionable!

Cribs- In a previous post I talked about a rock n play and the pack n play we have used, and the option to co-sleep.  We are waiting right now for our "Adelaide's bed fund" to be complete (I think one more paycheck away!) so we can get a queen sized mattress to put on the floor for her to sleep on.  So no transitioning from bassinet, to crib, to toddler bed, to twin bed, to full sized.  We are going straight to full sized!  It is awesome for breastfeeding on my side in the middle of the night too.  No waking her up, and I can fall asleep on the job! :)  If you cry SIDS on me, I will rip you a new one... or I will kindly explain how that is not what causes it.

Store bought Mobile- Everything is interesting to your baby!  Have you noticed their great fascination with celling fans?  Similac mailed us some cool vision cards that we taped to a photo mobile we got for less than ten bucks at Whole Earth Provision.  She loved it!  Some of our friends just took a string and tied some tin foil on it above their son's head!  Their friends picked on them a bit for it so they added above his head a pair of big dangly hoop earrings, a pearl necklace and some dog tags.  Worked well for him!

Baby Bath Tubs/Seats- Someone gave us a bath tub, that's the only reason we have it.  We used it, but she is already growing out of it at 4 months.  Not an awesome investment considering babies only need to be bathed 2 or 3 times a week.  Our favorite bathing method (as in baby's favorite and mine and Chris') is using the shower!  She stays warm against our body and we can monitor the water easily as it is on our own body as well!  When we first started this all three of us got in together out of fear of dropping her, and needed back up.  But that really isn't necessary now.  If it really makes you nervous you can sit on the floor with the shower head in hand, and have your baby in a bumbo.  At 3 months I started just getting in the big bathtub with her.  We hang out for a while... its fun and relaxing for both of us!

Dishwasher basket- Its just in the way mostly.  If it is so small it needs to be in a special basket, couldn't you just hand wash it?

High Chair- I don't know this from experience yet, but a friend of mine with a 3 year old said she never needed one.  When he was little they used a bumbo and when he out-grew that he just sat in a chair with a book under him.

Changing table- We've ended up changing her diaper all over the house so a special table really isn't needed.  If you are afraid of messes and really want to, you could buy a special pad that they sell at Target for less than $20 and put it wherever you want to- floor, bed, chair, couch.  I'm considering getting one for this actually.

Videos- Baby's don't need to watch TV.  Hmmm, does anyone NEED to watch TV?  Just remember every second they are in front of a TV you are depriving them from Human interaction.  OCCATIONALLY we put this youtube video up for her on the computer when we just need a couple minutes for her to quiet down and for us to regroup... often during those crazy times.  You'd be surprised how quickly she goes from crazy to calm!  http://youtu.be/f7tJ0mUaNO8

So these are just a few examples, and if I have time I might make a part 2.  I'm sure you could think of more (please feel free to put them in the comments section).

One thing I like to do when trying to decide if something is a real need for babies is to think, "did they do this 200 years ago?"  Of course things like car seats are exceptions, but you get the idea.  And always think about if you already have something that "does the trick."  (example: Olive oil instead of baby oil... olive oil is actually much healthier too!)

And remember, there are tons of things you don't need but its okay to have!  If you always wanted to get your baby a stroller that can hover over water and do the hokey pokey then go for it! :)  

Sunday, November 20, 2011

parenting magazine.

I'll keep this short.  Somehow loads of companies get your information when you get pregnant and send you all sorts of crazy stuff.  If you magically get parenting magazine's one year free subscription my suggestion is to take it out of your mailbox and take it straight to the recycling bin.  It is filled with terrible articles that are basically trying to hide the fact that they are trying to sell you something you don't need.
It has some of the WORSE advice I have ever read also.

Once such article was the response to a question: "My three year old's day care requires him to be potty trained, but he hasn't let me know he is ready yet...Is it psychologically damaging to him to try to potty train him." Answer (brought to you by Huggies): "Yes"
I'd like to suggest that a 3 year old sitting in his feces each day is likely more psychologically damaging than teaching him to use the restroom like the other kids in day care.

That article is just ridiculous but some of them down right make me mad!  (I won't go into that rant).  Every now and then I'll see an article that looks interesting... I start to read it... and then... what?  Hmm? Where is the rest of it?  Yeah, its as if they just quit thinking of what to write but didn't want to let the 5 minutes of work they already put into the article go to waste so they print it any way.  No substance at all.

Again, bypass the coffee table- take it straight to the bin... that's my humble opinion, take it or leave it.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The 5 Things Every Mom should know

Okay a new parent must (in my humble opinion) is to be a part of a group with other parents.  Community is so important- especially for cooped up stay at home moms.  My group is MOPS (mothers of preschoolers).  When I first heard of MOPS, I thought it did NOT sound like something for me... they are people obsessed with their families that like crafts right?  Well as it turns out they DO love their families (but learn not to make it an identity) and yeah, there is craft time.... but I never craft; I sit with the other moms who "forgot" to bring their craft materials and just talk for that time.

But one great part of MOPS is the special speakers.  I don't know if its because I live in a big city and our MOPS group has like 300 people in it, but we have some awesome speakers!  A couple weeks ago there was a special speaker named Vicki Courtney who is the author of many books including 5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter.  Her talk was titled "The 5 Things Every Mom Needs To Know."  I just want to share my notes because her talk really helped me get a little perspective and relax in my new role as Mom.

1.  No one has this parenting thing down.
  • Cut yourself some slack and don't get PMS (Perfect Mom Syndrome)
  • Do what you've got to do... you're probably not going to mess up your child
Philippians 1:6 New International Version (NIV) 
6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

2.  If you play the Comparison game, you're guaranteed to loose fast
  • So what if your baby isn't doing this as soon as your friend's baby 
  • If you make a mistake just fix it! You can't really just figure things out perfectly.
  • So be willing to readjust as you go- thought cloth diapers were perfect and now you don't?  No biggie!  Bring on the disposables!  

1 Peter 2 New International Version (NIV)

 1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

3. Avoid parenting extremes.  (3 days a week 3 hours a day piano practice at age 3 kinda stuff)
  • Let the kid have fun being a kid... not just what you want them to pursue in life.
4.  Parent from the inside out.
  • "Change the heart not the behavior"
  • They have to examine their own hearts- you can't just ground them for bad behavior or they will go to their friends house and do that same thing.  Help them connect the dots to why the bad behavior is bad.
5. Remember your place.  Motherhood is not your primary calling.
  • Focus on being a child of the Father more than the mother of your child.

1 Corinthians 3:7 New International Version (NIV)

7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.

Anyway, just wanted to pass Vicki's wisdom on to y'all!