Sunday, November 20, 2011

parenting magazine.

I'll keep this short.  Somehow loads of companies get your information when you get pregnant and send you all sorts of crazy stuff.  If you magically get parenting magazine's one year free subscription my suggestion is to take it out of your mailbox and take it straight to the recycling bin.  It is filled with terrible articles that are basically trying to hide the fact that they are trying to sell you something you don't need.
It has some of the WORSE advice I have ever read also.

Once such article was the response to a question: "My three year old's day care requires him to be potty trained, but he hasn't let me know he is ready yet...Is it psychologically damaging to him to try to potty train him." Answer (brought to you by Huggies): "Yes"
I'd like to suggest that a 3 year old sitting in his feces each day is likely more psychologically damaging than teaching him to use the restroom like the other kids in day care.

That article is just ridiculous but some of them down right make me mad!  (I won't go into that rant).  Every now and then I'll see an article that looks interesting... I start to read it... and then... what?  Hmm? Where is the rest of it?  Yeah, its as if they just quit thinking of what to write but didn't want to let the 5 minutes of work they already put into the article go to waste so they print it any way.  No substance at all.

Again, bypass the coffee table- take it straight to the bin... that's my humble opinion, take it or leave it.

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