Friday, January 25, 2013

The Guilbeau Gifts Rule of 4

Chris and I considered putting this out there for Adelaide's first Christmas, but then we realized... well we don't want to have to go with the rules too, so we can't hold her to them.

This year Santa found all three of us on the super nice list; we all found tons of great presents under the tree.  This only makes it more difficult to start the discipline of keeping a simple set of gift giving and receiving rules.  But with my birthday being the first in 2013, I have decided I will be the first to abide by the rules.

It's simply a guideline for us to follow for giving & receiving gifts.  For Chris and my birthdays, we really don't have to worry much about our parents or anyone giving outside the rules, but we do have to work hard with each other.  Birthdays are when the two of us kinda go out of control with showering each other with gifts.  I think having this set of rules will actually make it more fun though.  Instead of just giving him everything I can possibly think of that he might want and I can afford, I can be more mindful about it and try to get everything on the list maybe... though I might just have to skip "1 thing to wear" for him... my man likes to shop for his own clothes!

It will be a fun practice for the three of us to do for each other, but we are also going to ask everyone else to be a part of it.  We're not asking everyone to give each of us 4 gifts, but just asking that anyone who wants to give us gifts gives no more than 4 and no more than 1 of each category: WANT, READ, WEAR, HEALTHY; and nothing outside of those categories.  And if we end up with more, the task is to give it away.

So I have a feeling a game will be made of these rules like trying to make an excuse of how something fits a category that really doesn't..."yeah, this movie is a "read" just turn on the subtitles!"  I have a family member I can totally hear say that already.  And if someone tries that, its not the end of the world; in the end there are still only 4 gifts so it works itself out.  It might even be part of the holiday fun making something "fit" into a category.

If you've seen this list on Pinterest you might be thinking, something sounds different about this one.  Well, the list that is getting pinned everywhere is a little different instead of "Healthy" they have "need" which actually has better rhyming to it, but "need" just sounds too dramatic to me.  As middle-class Americans with just one kid, we don't really have any needs that aren't being met.  Healthy sounded like a fun alternative to me!  There is a lot of wiggle room there too.  I'm thinking of how my mom used to put oranges, apples, and nuts in our stocking- that's an obvious healthy!  Or this might sound like a stretch, but my this year my sister-in-law gave Adelaide some reusable snack bags (super cute) and I think we could put that under "healthy."  And while toy vegetables can't be eaten, maybe we can even sneak that in as a "healthy."  And my Christmas gift to Chris this year, a Nike + iPod could have easily gone under healthy OR wear!  (Its something you wear on your shoe that tracks your running stats.)

Well, there is about 6 months till the big 2 year birthday for Adelaide which is the BIG DEAL in the family (yeah, I'm turning the big three-oh but I'm pretty sure the 2 year old will still get the bigger party).  So this is the official announcement with 6 months notice for The Guilbeau Gifts Rule of 4.

Has anyone else tried this, or something like this?  How did it go for you?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

More happy please!

I thoroughly annoyed a friend of mine a few months back as she rode with me and Adelaide to lunch.  Adelaide was a little fussy and needed a nap and at the time the best way to do this was to sing "twinkle twinkle little star" about 10 times.  After about time number 8 she was begging for a new song, and fortunately Adelaide was cool with switching it up with the itsy bitsy spider and fell asleep after about 3 rounds of it.  That friend has not since taken a ride with me and Adelaide; I assume she couldn't take another note!
But now we have a new song.  Much "worse" than before and it doesn't induce sleep but it gets the biggest smile that makes it worth it.  Perhaps its her favorite because she can ask for it by request.  "The more we get together"  She makes the sign for more and happy when she wants me to sing this tune:

The more we get together
together together
The more we get together
the happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
and my friends are your friends
The more we get together
the happier we'll be.

Once I get to the part about friends she gets a little agetated because what she wants to hear is the words MORE and HAPPY.  Therefor, when times are hard the song goes a bit like this:

New favorite word: ELMO
HAPPIER will be.

HAPPIER will be.

and then when times are really tough we just go with....




and for some reason she never tires of it and for some even STRANGER reason... I never tire of it.  I love love love love love that smile, especially when she is having a bad day and we can turn it around with a song. :)

A couple years ago I was annoyed if the radio even played two Coldplay songs in a row... oh how a child changes the way you see... or sing.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Four List Plan

A new way to eat in our family...

This is posted on our fridge!  Hope we can stick to it.  The hardest part for me will be never drinking soda!  But I hope that replacing it with a cup of green tea will help.  Also I read that eating Kale can curb your cravings for soda, and that is number one on the Daily List!